Tuesday 7 July 2015

HHVM Failed to open /var/www/.hhvm.hhbc

Hi if you get error Like Below

Failed to initialize central HHBC repository:\n  Failed to initialize schema in /var/run/hhvm/hhvm.hhbc: RepoQuery::step(repo=0x7f814678e600) error: 'CREATE TABLE main.UnitSourceLoc_6ba408ef27e1fc7820c8bd6352989f40c1acb812(unitSn INTEGER, pastOffset INTEGER, line0 INTEGER, char0 INTEGER, line1 INTEGER, char1 INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (unitSn, pastOffset));' --> (13) database or disk is full\n  Failed to open /var/www/.hhvm.hhbc: 14 - unable to open database file\n

Failed to initialize central HHBC repository:\n  Failed to initialize schema in /var/run/hhvm/hhvm.hhbc: RepoQuery::step(repo=0x7fdf7b38e600) error: 'CREATE TABLE main.UnitSourceLoc_6ba408ef27e1fc7820c8bd6352989f40c1acb812(unitSn INTEGER, pastOffset INTEGER, line0 INTEGER, char0 INTEGER, line1 INTEGER, char1 INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (unitSn, pastOffset));' --> (13) database or disk is full\n  Failed to open /var/www/.hhvm.hhbc: 14 - unable to open database file\n

create /var/www folder
and change owner to www-data
in /var folder run below commands
mkdir www
chown www-data:www-data www
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Thursday 19 February 2015

How to Install Scrapy in Linux with out Any Errors

While installing Scrapy (Python Crawl) you may get errors like below

1. src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:16:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
    #include "Python.h"

2. Setup script exited with error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

3. fatal error: openssl/aes.h: No such file or directory
    #include <openssl/aes.h>

4. c/_cffi_backend.c:13:17: fatal error: ffi.h: No such file or directory
    #include <ffi.h>

Above errors are problems of dependences while installing Scrapy

to avoid these error you need to install following packages (assuming you already have python2 and python3)

Note : based on distribution some times -devel work otherwise try -dev
example if python3-devel error then try python3-dev

install gcc
install python-devel
install python3-devel
install libevent-devel
install python3-setuptools (Optional)
install python-setuptools
install openssl
install libxslt-devel (if libxslt-devel error then try libxslt1-devel)
install libxml2-devel
install libffi-devel
install libssl-dev (if libssl-dev error then try openssl-devel)

Finally to install Scrapy
easy_install scrapy

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